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IMA Webinar Broadcast: The Security Risk Analysis Process

June 17, 2021 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm EDT

ISIS is operating in America and many other countries. We know that terrorist organizations have a planning cycle which includes conducting hostile surveillance for weeks and many months, prior to an attack.

During February of 2021, FBI Director Wray said, ““In terms of domestic violent extremism, domestic terrorism, that number is now — has grown steadily on my watch,” said Wray, who became FBI director in 2017. “So we’ve increased the number of domestic terrorism investigations from around a 1,000 or so when I got here to up to about 1,400 at the end of last year to about 2,000 now. That’s domestic terrorism overall.”

It becomes imperative that managers of critical infrastructures utilize a process to ensure that their facilities are adequately protected. Unfortunately, we learned on January 6, 2021 that even our United States Capitol building was lacking in protection efforts. Both domestic and international terrorists go to great lengths to ensure a successful attack and we as security and law enforcement professionals, must also go to great lengths to ensure that our critical infrastructures are protected.


A holistic process to analyze:
· The effectiveness of a Physical Security System
· The objectives of a security program and elements and functions of a physical protection system
· Facility components related to the security risk analysis
· How to determine the criticality of an asset
· How to prioritize critical assets for protection
· How to evaluate threats and hazards that can harm critical assets
· How to evaluate consequences and the likelihood/probability that a consequence will occur
· Discuss various security countermeasures to mitigate identified risk
· Importance of a maintenance and resilience plan



Jim McGuffey, M.A. CPP®, PSP®, PCI®
B.A. in Criminal Justice/M.A. In Management, served in the military, law, enforcement, CIT industry holding senior positions with responsibility during his tenure for several-thousand armed guards, 1,000 armored vehicles and 50 facilities.

Who can attend: 
Aimed toward individuals who are members of ASIS. Open only to InfraGard members and their guests
