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IMA Webinar Broadcast: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Level 6 – SAFETY / LEGALITIES RELATED TO OSINT

June 8, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm PDT

InfraGard Los Angeles and CT Watch, Inc. present Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) LEVEL 6 – SAFETY / LEGALITIES RELATED TO OSINT. This course ends the curriculum series and seeks to leverage technologies and standards used by the Internet at large to allow investigators to collect information about the technologies used, personnel associated with an organization, and proliferation of web presence for a target domain or organization. Additionally, this course will address Google Dorking and survey a technique for identifying fraud and brand impersonation using Google Dorking. *This course is eligible for 4 ASIS CPE credits

Learning Outcomes/Objectives: 
1. Leveraging Domain Name System (DNS) to collect information about an organization
a. Introduction to DNS
b. Querying DNS in the command-line
c. Querying DNS from the browser
d. Various sites with pros and cons

2. Google Dorking

3. Fraud and brand impersonation case study

4. Personal safety online

5. Legalities of OSINT in the modern age

CT Watch, Inc.
SME is an Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) and investigations expert specializing in assessing public information for evaluating external risks, finding missing persons, threat modeling, and operations security.

Who Can Attend:
InfraGard Members, Public Safety (Law/Health/Fire), Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLO’s), Infrastructure Liaison Officers (ILO’s), Private Sector Security, Area Stakeholders, all Critical Infrastructure Sectors, Intelligence Analysts, Intelligence Officers and Private Investigators. Open to anyone.
