On February 2, 2021, two members of the FBI family tragically lost their lives in service to the most noble pursuit – protecting America’s children. Special Agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger were shot and killed in the line of duty while executing a search warrant in Sunrise, Florida. It was a devastating day for the FBI, InfraGard, and the nation these dedicated agents worked tirelessly to defend. InfraGard San Francisco and InfraGard San Diego invite you to join our special memorial presentation on crimes against children, which honors the life’s work of Special Agents Alfin and Schwartzenberger and their heroic efforts to protect America’s most vulnerable population.
Every year, thousands of children become victims of crimes – whether it’s through abductions, contact offenses, sexual exploitation, trafficking, or online predation. Our program will feature a series of lightning talks from FBI speakers and other experts on the front lines of combating crimes against children, along with the compelling real-life story of a child trafficking victim. As InfraGard members, parents, grandparents, mentors and more, we will gain a deeper understanding of crimes against children, and how we can do our part to protect those who need it most. The webinar speakers will include:
· Special Agent in Charge George Piro, FBI Miami Field Office
· Unit Chief Jordan Hadfield, Child Exploitation Unit, FBI HQ
· Supervisory Special Agent Leslie Adamczyk, Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Unit, FBI HQ
· Supervisory Special Agent Matthew Fowler, Crimes Against Children Unit, Behavioral Analysis Unit, FBI Quantico
· Unit Chief Catherine Connell, Child Victim Services Unit, FBI HQ
· A Victim’s Story: Suamhirs Piraino-Guzman
· John F. Clark, President and CEO, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
· Special Agent Ed Cabral, FBI San Diego Field Office
· Mandy Griffith, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of California
Special Agents Alfin and Schwartzenberger faithfully kept watch over America’s children – InfraGard San Francisco and InfraGard San Diego now ask for your help in looking out for their families. We highly encourage and accept charitable donations, which will be given to the Dan and Laura Memorial Fund to support their loved ones as they carry forth a proud legacy of fidelity, bravery and integrity. Suggested donation is $25 and up, but you may donate any amount you choose. Webinar attendance is not required to make a donation. · Donate Online Now: www.infragardsd.org/danandlaura
· Donate via check: Make checks payable to “Dan and Laura Memorial Fund” and mail to: Dan and Laura Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 824093, Pembroke Pines, FL 33082
The webinar is open to both InfraGard members and non-members.