In our series of Asset Discovery talks, Tyler Reguly will first focus on how traditional asset discovery works. While a refresher for some, many may be unfamiliar with the complexities of asset discovery and how small changes to the process can make or break the results. This is a great time to refamiliarize yourself with the basics of asset discovery. Dr. Lane Thames will pick up where Tyler leaves off, diving into the world of the Industrial Internet of Things. Dr. Thames will look at how Industry 4.0 has changed how we think about networks, how we consider the devices within our networks, and how we must adjust our detection techniques to handle some of the most fragile devices that humankind has ever networked. If you think printers have weak TCP stacks, wait until you see Industrial Control System in action.
Tyler Reguly, Manager Security R&D, VERT – Tripwire
Tyler Reguly is the Manager of Security R&D at Tripwire, and a key member of Tripwire’s Vulnerability and Exposure Research Team (VERT). Tyler has contributed to multiple industry standards and spoken at several cybersecurity conferences.
Lane Thames, Principal Security Researcher, VERT at Tripwire
Lane Thames is a principal security researcher with Tripwire’s Vulnerability and Exposure Research Team (VERT) where he develops vulnerability detection and management software.
Who Can Attend:
Open only to InfraGard members and their guests. Particularly aimed toward anyone that manages assets in their environment