This Webinar will cover Severe Storm Developments, 2021 Hurricane Season, Droughts, Fire Weather Season, Flooding Impacts, Tornadic Activity, Watches/Warnings/Advisory guidance, and applications available to the general public and emergency response officials. Our presenter, Ms. Wescott is not affiliated with the National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or the National Hurricane Center but is providing this briefing from her 12 years of expertise in atmospheric studies and operational weather forecasting for emergency management and public safety planning.
Sunny Wescott, Lead Meteorologist, DHS-CISA
Considered a Subject Matter Expert on tropical, fire, polar, arctic, and severe storm events for CISA Communications and CISA Central Ms. Wescott produces briefings and outlook data for leadership and private sector executives.
Who can attend:
Open only to InfraGard members and their guests.